Monday, January 14, 2008

a little place called mosaic...


these last few weeks have been very interesting for me. i feel as though my last blog skipmed on the details....and since blogs exist for one person to write every detail of their life and have another person read every detail i believe i shall share a little bit more of what my life is now...

well...on december 31st i quit my job at crane coffee...i then went up to minnesota (where some of my favorite people in the whole world reside) to celebrate new years eve and spend some time with friends and my sister. it was one of the best decisions i've made in a long time. it made it clear to me that i was headed in a different direction than i had been for the past eight months.

i came back to omaha on january 2nd and dubbed that my "first day" of work. and on that day i got two gigs at a wine tasting place and another at an outreach center/music venue called mosaic. i figured it a pretty good day.

the weird thing about this whole self-employment thing is that there is no one keeping you accountable on a day to day basis. like...i don't have to show up to work fifteen minutes early everyday...complete tasks on a task list that someone else made up...and do everything according to someone else's schedule. instead...i make my own schedule. if i wanna sleep in til eleven...well...i can do that. if i wanna stay up til three in the morning searching the endless abyss known as myspace for venues to play at and bands to become friends with....i can do that. if i want to play piano for hours on end and write new songs...guess what...i can do that too...

so, just this last saturday night i played at mosaic...and what an awesome thing it was. four "acts" got up and played...and each one was SO entirely different from the next. there was this kid named "vinal" who was probably like sixteen or seventeen that just got up and played his guitar...the next band was...i guess hardcore...there was screaming and that's what i'd consider it. then came me...with mello vocals a piano in tow...followed by a band called "fate of angels" look them up on myspace...they're fantastic...the type of band i'd LOVE to sing background vocals for.

i'm also starting to teach lessons next monday through a studio here in town...and get this...i'll be teaching approximately 12 students...11 of which i'll be teaching piano...that's right...i said it...piano. i'll only have one voice student for now..which is fine...and all the piano students are beginners between the ages of 5 and 10...

pam may would be very proud:)

anyways...there's a more extensive update on life. ooo...and i'm also up for this thing called a momentum award through an organization called ""...we'll see how that pans out...i was actually in the omaha world herald on sunday about it!

well...more to come next time...i suppose...


p.s. the recording is ALMOST done...just waiting on one more track from the strings guys in nashville, chris carmichael, and then it's mastering and artwork...

woot woot!

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